The following is concise profile information about Laurens Blommendaal tailored for the Business Market.
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Qualitative and Personal Summary Laurens Blommendaal
  • Solid experience in B2B markets having lead pan-European development programs for a number of companies.
  • Also experienced in the European logistics market having worked with shippers & operators in optimising their supply chains.
  • I have lead a number of projects in restructuring the delivery capability of companies (shared services, logistics, supply chain, manufacturing) and bringing them to world-class service & cost performance levels.
  • Also led client engagements that redesigned customer-facing processes and implemented organisational changes brought about by new technology.
  • Innovative ideas and effective presentation skills before CEO-level audiences.
  • Excellent people and project management/consulting experience coupled with strong presentation and influence skills.
  • Creative, independent. Excellent motivator, teambuilder, organisational skills. Prime commercial instincts and know-how, entrepreneurial. Decisive, firm. Strategically smart and experienced. Lateral thinker. Practical.

    Current Position
    Company: Teleroute BV, Amsterdam
    Period : present
    Position : Commercial Manager
    Management Team member, joint with the Controller and Managing Director
    Reporting directly to the Managing Director
    What is Teleroute?
    At the core of Teleroute is the international Freight & Vehicle exchange on the Web at where freight and vehicle offers are traded, real time, across 12 European countries, everyday. For the customers this means increased revenues and optimum efficiency. Teleroute is market leader with a 95% market share. The emphasis is on the selling of the content and subsequent client penetration. This strategy leads to exemplary revenues, an increase in TO and sales every year of operation and ROS in excess of 62%. Teleroute comes from a Videotex background but started 2 years ago to migrate its business to Web, and now operates as a true E-Business. is an integral part of

    Commercial Manager Teleroute BV: Function Summary
  • Enabling an optimum market positioning for the Teleroute services in the broadest sense
  • Strategic leadership E-Commerce and E- Business planning, to business development; and implementation of the Teleroute services and its content
  • Development & implementation of marketing 1to1 strategy
  • Realising of the quantitative and qualitative sales targets
  • Guarding and maintaining of the quality of the customer DB
  • Maintaining quality of product and services
  • Direct management of Account Managers and inside sales staff
  • Personal responsibility and involvement for sales and development at Premier Accounts and relations
  • Strategic lead and detailed content contribution of annual Business development Plan and Marketing / Sales planning, plus Budget
  • As Management Team member contributing to development and implementation of corporate strategy in respect of services, pricing, sales and marketing
  • Direct contributor to development and implementation of international commercial strategy
  • Creating content and co-producing of interactive sales & marketing instruments such as Load & Go CDR
  • Direct involvement and lead in Web site developments and content based products for Teleroute BV

    Company name


    Roha Intertrans, Waddinxveen, NL
    Period :1993 - 1994
    Position: Marketing & Project Manager
    Company name :Stamford Group, Manchester, England
    Period :1991 - 1993
    Position :Marketing, Sales & Product manager
    Company name :Own Marketing & Sales consultancy, B2B and B2E strategies and implementation, England
    Period :1989 - 1991
    Position :Managing Director
    Among clients in UK : Makro (SHV), Leyland DAF, Drugasar, Trolex, GEC (Key Leasing)
    Company name :Norfreight Ltd., Manchester, England
    1982 - 1989
    Position :General Manager, Location Director, Freight, Services Logistics & Warehousing
    Company Name :P&O Ferrymasters, Manchester, England
    Period: 1980 - 1982
    Position: Operational Logistical Planning, Marketing & Sales Manager

    1972 - 1977: Rijkspedagogische Academie Utrecht
    1977 - 1980: Manchester University, Manchester, UK: English, Anthropology
    1980 - 1982: All Saints College Manchester:
    Business Administration, Marketing, Sales & Business Development
    Further Education
    Manchester M.I.T.: Artificial Intelligence
    Cognitive psychology and Human Computer interaction
    Marquet bedrijfstrainingen : Werk Verkopen (CRM course, the Netherlands)
    Wolters Kluwer / Peppers & Rogers : Marketing 1to1 (London)
    Wolters Kluwer / Peppers & Rogers :Marketing 1to1 in practice (Nijkerk, the Netherlands)
    English: Fluent, spoken and written. Native speaker level
    Dutch : Fluent, spoken and written. Native speaker level
    German : Moderate speaker

    Additional information
    I have written two books, both of which have been published. The first book is a science fiction thriller, written in English and published in the UK in 1991. The second book is about England and English football, written in Dutch, and published in the Netherlands in 1996 by Contact / L.J. Veen. From 1980 to 1993 I have taught Dutch in the evenings at the Manchester College of Adult Education